Financial communication is intended to increase the company’s competitive advantage in the market and in the financial community, in order to attract potential investors and financial resources. Its goal is to increase Company’s and its management’s awareness, generating a steady flow of information to the financial system, as to consolidate their corporate identity, maintain high reputation, create opinion, minimize the impact of negative news or improve its perception. Financial communication is expressed also in expanding and managing relationships and contacts with key players on the market: institutions, advisors, banks, law firms.

Spriano Communication, over the years, has achieved considerable experience in financial reporting, assisting several SME, listed in the major markets (MTA Star, AIM, MIV ), Investment Companies , asset management companies, private equity funds , adding value and developing communication plans for companies and funds.


  • Writing press releases at various stages of the IPO (resolution listing, admission to listing, Consob authorization to the prospectus, duration and characteristics of the offers, market debut)
  • Distribution of press releases to the press (offline-online)
  • Organization of press meetings to communicate relevant news
  • Coordination of the corporate campaign in support of listing
  • Organizing press conferences (the first day of listing)
  • Management of the publication of obligatory announcements
  • Management’s strategic support and coordination of price sensitive information to be diffused


These are delicate and crucial phases, which often coincide with changes in Board composition, or critical situations which can change the internal balance of the Company.

Spriano Communication, in recent years, has acted as a consultant for the following transactions:

  • Debt restructuring
  • Bonds listing
  • Takeover bid
  • Reorganizations
  • Management shuffling
  • M&A transactions


  • Timely analysis of crisis situation
  • Dedicated team of professionals
  • Managing communication to the media and stakeholders
  • Managing communications within the company
  • Arranging and managing press conferences
  • Press office
  • Measuring results


It is an indispensable activity for listed Companies to convey their values to investors by communicating, in a timely and clear way, their market strategies to maintain and foster the shareholder or bondholders’ trust. A policy of broad, transparent and timely communication is very much appreciated by the market and brings advantages to Companies.

Spriano Communication’s professionals, with significant experience in the IPO process, are active in the Investor Relation support; working together with the Company for a proper and effective communication to the financial market, in order to valorize its assets and its stock. Usually, supporting the top management in managing relationships with the financial community and to strengthen and expand relations with the strategic targets.


  • Development of strategic plans with the top management in the midterm, in parallel and in support of the main corporate strategies
  • Support and share the definition of key messages to be diffused to the market
  • Define a corporate presentation which outlines the company’s equity story
  • Support in the choice of “specialist”
  • Support in the definition and sharing of “price sensitive” press releases
  • Support in the definition of analyst/investors presentations in collaboration with the Company
  • Organization of Conference calls with analysts
  • Organization of Business meetings \ lunch with investors
  • Mediator between the Company and its shareholders
  • Supporting and managing contacts for Borsa Italiana and Consob
  • Activation of software NIS (if required)